A game made by Anagh's World for Godot Wild Jam #31


Oregano Eater is an endless runner type game. You play as the "Oregano Eater" - a wild creature that comes out at night in search of oregano. The main aim of the game is to feed the creature with oregano and to avoid the trash cans. Each time you gulp oregano, you get 10 points and the game ends if you crash into a trash can.


The controls are super simple. Its just one key press ie. SPACE bar or one click ie. the LEFT mouse button that makes "Oregano Eater" jump. Double tap to jump higher and tap again to slide down faster. You need to play for some time to get a hang of it. Touch for Mobile is also supported.

Usage of Wildcards

  • Oregano - The game features "Oregano", which is the favourite food of the creature.
  • You Wot M8? - The theme - "Something's Missing" is completely ingored.
  • Duck, Duck, Moose - After each 50 points a rocket passes by in the game which if of entirely different art style, not matching the game art at all. For fun, the rocket is boarded by 2 ducks and a moose :D


  • Concept, Design & Programming
    • Anagh's World - using Godot 3.2.3
  • Graphics
    • Anagh's World, Kenney (www.kenney.nl) & Godot Wild Jam #31 Page Art
  • Music
    • Anagh's World, Kenney (www.kenney.nl) & CodeManu @ opengameart.org

Developer Comments

I had joined the Godot Wild Jam #31 at an early stage, but then I had to focus on another jam that I had joined. With few days left for the submission for Godot Wild Jam #31, I decided to develop a game that would be quick to develop and would also use all the wildcards for fun. I also thought of re-using the graphics available on the jam page and to tweak it to my need. The look and feel of the game is same as the jam page, hope you guys like it. Enjoy eating oregano and jumping the trash cans :)


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