
Colornome is a FREE alternative app that provides most of the basic features of a 'BlazePod'. It is designed to improve various physical and cognitive skills such as speed, agility, coordination, reaction time, and overall fitness.

Features & Usage

Colornome can help your kid(s) in the following:

Sensory Stimulation: Some children often have sensory processing challenges. Colornome provides visual and tactile stimulation, which can help in sensory integration and regulation.

Enhancing Attention and Focus: Colornome related games and activities require attention, concentration, and quick response times. Engaging with Colornome can help improve a child's ability to stay focused and attentive to tasks.

Improving Reaction Time: Many Colornome activities are designed to improve reaction time and decision-making. These skills are crucial in daily life, and Colornome can help children develop them in a fun and engaging way.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Some children may have challenges with fine and gross motor skills. Colornome's activities involve physical movement and coordination, which can support the development of these skills.

Social Interaction: Colornome can be used in group settings, which can promote social interaction and cooperation among children. It provides opportunities for shared experiences and teamwork.

Motivation and Engagement: The gamified nature of Colornome can be motivating for children. The interactive and competitive elements can encourage active participation and a sense of achievement.


  • If the app does not display correctly on your mobile screen, then try reducing the device font size and/or display size through device settings.
  • To prevent the device from auto locking after certain amount of time, increase the screen timeout in the device settings.


If you like the app and find it useful, then please support by making a donation through any UPI app by scanning the QR code in the app. You can provide your feedback, suggestions and requests through the 'Comments' section below.

The donated amount will be used to support the neurodiverse community.

Donation amount collected so far: ₹ 0.00

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