A 3D platformer game made by Anagh's World for Godot Wild Jam #71

This game is developed using Godot 4.2.2 which is having few issues with Web exports. I have tried my best to fix the issues in my game to make it browser compatible, like using S3 texture compression and BPTC algorithms for VRAM compression, etc. If you encounter any issue, then please refresh your browser and try again, sometimes it helps. If you still face the issue, then try out the Windows executable and also please let me know in the comments section about the issue. Linux & Mac users please use Wine to run the .exe file.
For better experience, play in FULLSCREEN and with HEADSETS.


In a realm where magic and mystery intertwine, there exists an adventurer known as Hoody Baba. Clad in a distinctive green hooded cloak, Hoody Baba wields a legendary magical sword with the power to vanquish evil and restore peace. His mission: to travel through various worlds, each plagued by menacing creatures, and rescue princesses held captive in formidable castles.

  1. Garden World: Hoody Baba's journey begins in the enchanting Garden World, a vibrant land of lush flora and blooming flowers. Here, he encounters swarms of giant, malevolent bees that threaten the peace. With swift and precise strikes of his magical sword, he battles through the buzzing menace, ultimately defeating their queen and freeing the imprisoned Princess Lily from her floral castle.
  2. Jungle World: From the serene garden, Hoody Baba steps into the dense, dark depths of the Jungle World. This realm is haunted by the notorious Evil Rabbit, a creature of immense size and strength. Navigating through the labyrinthine foliage, Hoody Baba faces treacherous traps and savage wildlife. In an epic confrontation, he outwits and overpowers the Evil Rabbit, liberating Princess Jasmine from her vine-covered fortress.
  3. Desert World: The scorching sands of the Desert World present Hoody Baba with his next challenge. Venomous snakes slither through the dunes, guarding the entrance to a castle buried beneath the sand. Hoody Baba braves the relentless heat and perilous quicksand, slicing through the serpentine adversaries. With perseverance and valor, he defeats the serpentine queen, freeing Princess Sahara from her sandy prison.
  4. Island World: Hoody Baba's quest leads him to the serene yet dangerous Island World, where cunning crabs rule the shores. These crustacean foes, with their hard shells and sharp claws, guard the coastal castle with tenacity. Hoody Baba battles the relentless tide of crabs, culminating in a fierce showdown with their king. Triumphant, he rescues Princess Marina from her oceanic stronghold.
  5. Fire World: The fiery depths of the Fire World pose the greatest danger yet. Here, Hoody Baba faces the fearsome Fire Owl, a blazing creature of immense power. Navigating through molten lava and searing flames, he confronts the owl in a battle of endurance and strategy. With his sword glowing with magical energy, Hoody Baba extinguishes the fiery foe and liberates Princess Ember from her infernal castle.
  6. Monster World: In the eerie Monster World, Hoody Baba encounters grotesque frog monsters lurking in murky swamps. These amphibious beasts, with their slimy skin and powerful leaps, prove to be formidable opponents. Through courage and cunning, Hoody Baba prevails, defeating their monstrous leader and rescuing Princess Selene from her haunted castle.
  7. Winter World: The icy expanse of the Winter World chills Hoody Baba to the bone. Here, he faces the sinister Snowman, a colossal figure with a heart of ice. Battling through blizzards and freezing temperatures, Hoody Baba's sword shatters the icy menace, saving Princess Aurora from her frosty prison.
  8. Graveyard World: In the final and most harrowing world, the Graveyard World, Hoody Baba confronts legions of skeletons rising from their graves. Amidst crumbling tombstones and eerie fog, he faces the skeletal Skull King in a climactic duel. With the power of his magical sword, Hoody Baba vanquishes the undead horde, freeing Princess Raven from her haunted castle.

Jam Theme: Unintended Consequences

The law of unintended consequences: People are complicated. Life is complicated. Ecosystems are complicated. And despite our best efforts or intentions, we have a remarkable history of messing things up in unexpected ways. One simple theory for why this may be is that unintended consequences are likely to happen whenever we try to regulate a complex system by using a simple system. 

As you might be aware, in a 3D game we need 2 kinds of inputs/movement for a player to move in the 3D world. First is the forward/backward/left/right movement that we input through the keyboard and the Second is the rotation/free look that is input through the mouse. Both these inputs are also tied to the camera, making the camera move in the right direction. In this game, I have tried to regulate this complex system by using a simple system of static camera attached to the player and 8-directional movement using the forward/backward/left/right movement that we input through the keyboard. There is no mouse or second input involved. So, unintended consequences are likely to happen which you will experience in the game.

Game Idea

Here is the game idea drafted by my son on his school notebook :)


  • Movement
    • WASD/Arrow Keys
  • Attack/Start
    • E/Enter Key
  • Jump
    • Space Key
  • Virtual Controls
    • Ctrl Key
  • Back/Quit
    • Esc Key


  • Concept, Design & Programming
    • Anagh's World - using Godot 4.2.2
  • Graphics/Textures/Models
    • Player - Kitkay @ itch.io
    • Enemies & Objects - Ultimate Platformer Pack by Quaternius @ itch.io & Anagh's World
  • Music & Sounds
    • leohpaz @ opengameart.org (main background music)
    • CodeManu @ opengameart.org (level background music)
    • Anagh's World & Pixabay (sound effects)

If you conquer a world

If you are able to conquer a world in the game, then please let me know with a winning screenshot in below comments section.

Can I play this on a mobile device?

The game has virtual controls, so you can try playing it on the mobile through the browser. But you will need a good device that supports it. If it doesn't work for you and if you are still interested to play it on a mobile device, then let me know in the comments section below. I'll try to build an APK for Android.


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

Hoody_Baba_Win_x86.zip 35 MB


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Feedback from the Jam:

Sesso Kosga

Nice soundtrack It’s nice that you added controller support, but I didn’t figure out how to attack using the controller. I ended up moving with the controller and using the keyboard to attack. I have an issue with attacking. Sometimes, I press attack but still get hurt, and the enemy doesn’t seem to be touched Nice game


I appreciate the effort that you've put in but feel like the repetitive nature of the game doesn't make it the best fit for a game jam. 


Hey! Just leaving a comment here to fully agree with your statement and picture of simple ideas leading to complicated systems haha 

Great job on the game! I enjoyed the different worlds and the boss fights were neat. I'm glad you are having fun with your son (hopefully he becomes a game dev lol)


The 3D models and textures are fantastic! Like others have mentioned, the combat can be a bit tricky.. I think just making the hit-box for the sword a little bigger would help make the attacks land more reliably without having to focus on perfecting the timing of swings. Great job overall!

The Wondering Vagabond

First of all, the art is amazing - I really loved the claymation-playmobil style and all the assets are really nicely made. It's also an impressive amount of work for a game jam, as a pretty complete 3D prototype with various mechanics that work well. I did struggle to kill the enemies even on level 1, though perhaps that was my poor sword skills, and I did find the constant enemy hacking a little repetitive. Overall an impressive entry and a lot of potential as a basis for a game to be developed further!


The enemies have way too much health. The combat is way too simple for the enemies to have that much health. Also if I fall off a level I would have to go through the process of doing it all over again since death starts you back at the beginning. I've haven't yet to create a 3d game myself with godot so that's probably what I'll be working on next.

Livestream/Playtesting by DoctorSquawk, Hoody Baba @ 04:38:00 : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2203752152